Behavioral Neurophysiology Lab
We study the function of mid brain dopamine and glutamate presynaptic terminals in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. using neuroanatomical and electrophysiological tracing methods.
We perform these experiments in a range of transgenic cre-lines that allow precise control of neurons during behavioral tasks. We also perform neuroanatomical tracing experiments using 3D fluorescence imaging, optical clearing, and expansion microscopy.
Our lab uses acute or chronic recording techniques combined with optogenetics, chemogenetics, and pharmacology. We use behavioral tracking software and systems to synchronize events and neural recording outcomes.
Synapse Biology Lab
Our lab studies neural excitability regulation by investigating SK2 channel gating of synaptic kinases and dendritic spine translocation of CaMKIIα in the hippocampus. We use various methods including molecular biology, imaging, and protein analysis to assess activity coupling between SK2 potentiation and dendritic spine enrichment of pCaMKIIα during hippocampal network stimulation.
We employ cell-targeted and molecular approaches to study synaptic substrates underlying cognitive processes. Techniques such as fluorescence (cre-lox) guided single-cell recording with GCaMPf6 imaging permit the targeting of single neurons. Other techniques like PCR, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, tissue fractionation, electron microscopy, and high-resolution imaging help understand gene expression, protein translocation mechanisms, and electrophysiological outcomes in neuronal activity.